Living Dunes

A Photographic reportage of wintertime on the dunes of the Costa Vicentina. Alentejo.

As a creative soul you wander from every kind of inspiration you come across to a new inspirational path. It’s the journey to yourself.

Spending my winter days on the dunes of the Atlantic sea, on the shores of the Portuguese south-west region is what I believe to be the voice and manifest of mother earth. Nature embodying her absolute beauty and mother role. The mysticism in the dunes was palpable, I was connected to the elements.

There are an unquestionable variety of forms of “lives” finding their reason and a way to exist across these dunes during the Winter, discreet and unobtrusive. Beauty and simplicity are the forms of “lives” the Atlantic WINDS brought me.

From the surfing culture, to the fishing engagements, the natural elements bring worlds together. Beautiful winter worlds outshining the summer craze for sexiness.

Learning to BREATHE

Learning to BREATHE back properly means for me releasing all tensions and accepting life in all its forms. As it theatrically unfolds. It’s all part of the journey.

The numerous walked Km, the roaring of the crashing waves, the rainy coated landscapes, the smell, the WINDS and finally the peacefulness, all these could extensively embellish the facts, however the honest approach felt certainly more medicinal and meditative.

20 photographs - Living Dunes - the Photo reportage

A curated selection of Photographs will be shown in the Annexes” du Château de Bourglinster during an exhibition opening on 30th April, 2021.

Read further stories on this Photo reportage by GQ Portugal and by Jornal Contacto.